Vitau Automation
Innovation is Vitau!
Scalable Industrial solutions through the combination of IoT and Digital Platforms!
We integrate digitalization in industrial processess: production (scheduling, planning, production monitoring and reporting, continuous improvement); maintenance (service orders, preventive plans, asset monitoring, checklists and inspections); and quality (non-conformities, root-cause, calibration, action-plans, docs).
We democratize access to Industry 4.0!
Business Model
SAAS - Software as a Service & HAAS - Hardware as a Service (software licencing, according to the modules available - may be contracted separately; and loan for use of IoT devices - if needed).

Success Case
[SOFTWARE] Massive deployments in tools/dies makers that supply the automotive / white-goods maket (focusing on production monitoring, planning and reporting) - Increasing OEE up to 30%.
[HARDWARE] Over 800 assets (such as CNCs, serial production machines...) monitored using our hardware solution - bringing visibility, mapping bottlenecks, improving performance (achieving improvements of 30%, with gains of 6-digits USD).
[OTHER] Architecture, developing and implementation of industrial systems in steelmaking, tempering and rolling lines at Vallourec worldwide, with massive gains on logistics, digitalization and mettalurgial/thermal models deployment.

Customer Profile
SMEs, shop floor projects in large corps; tools/dies,automotive,steel,textile,packaging industry...